Disney Trip

This week I had the absolute pleasure of taking 34 of our students to Disneyland Paris.
It was an absolute joy to watch our students grow and mature in such a small space of time. Our younger students became noticeably more independent as time went on. The year 10’s made the most of every second and relished the opportunity to be independent.
It’s clear that the kids understanding of an emergency is very different to mine! Some of the highlights we received on the emergency number included “Sir it’s raining”, “where can I buy a drink” and “I have cramp in my toe”. I suppose this is better than an actual emergency!
A massive thanks goes to staff members Alex, Beth, Paula and Otis. The days are exceptionally long and even through the exhaustion they kept me laughing and smiling! Their love for our kids was clear and I am exceptionally proud to work with such dedicated individuals.
Big thanks to Bex and Adele, so much time goes into making this trip happen and our kids appreciate it!
All round we all had a great time, from the rides, to the parade, to the light  / fireworks show, our kids were a pleasure to be around.
A few photos are below! Hope you’ve all had a wonderful break!
Mr Moloney