
Stretford High School’s Board of Governors

Governors at Stretford High School are fully involved in the life of the School, as well as the community it serves. Governors play an important role within the School and work closely with the Headteacher, senior leaders, parents/carers, students and members of the community. The Board of Governors are determined that the success of every student is one of their primary aims and the School will prepare them for the next steps in their lives around employment, education and their experience in the wider world.

The Board of Governors offer a wide variety of expertise which cover all aspects of the business and academic world which helps supports us in the delivery of the school curriculum. As a result support can be assured for all staff in their work to create an excellent learning environment for the students.

The Board of Governors comprises leaders in business, educationalists, accountants and parents/carers. A number of long-serving Governors initially joined the Governing Body as Parent Governors and were co-opted after their children had left Stretford. This indicates the passion Governors feel for the success of the pupils, long after their own children have moved to the next stage of their lives.

Governors meet regularly as a full board, but also in committees to determine policy in personnel matters, curriculum, community and the environment and finance. In addition to supporting the initiatives of the School, Governors also question and hold to account the School Leadership.

Parent Governors are recruited via ballot of the parent body, but others are appointed by the Governing Body. Education is the keystone of young peoples` lives and we want to give everyone the opportunity to succeed and achieve their individual ambitions. If you are interested in becoming a governor, either now or in the future, we welcome applications. Please contact the School and they will give you the relevant details and information.

Chair of Governors: (Mrs C Counsell) contact: [email protected]

Clerking Service for Governors: TrustGS Email: [email protected]  (contact: Julie Lawson) Tel: 0161 348 7188

Further information/related documents re: Governance

If you have a concern or query, we are here to assist, support and resolve your complaint.  Please view the procedure HERE


Please go to the vacancies page HERE