Each October, we hold our annual Year 7 Parental meetings or “C.A.R.E” evening, as we like to call it.
We invite all Year 7 parents and carers into the school so we can meet and discuss how well your child has settled. We can also let you know how they are progressing in their learning.
This is also an opportunity for you to make us aware of any potential problems, worries or concerns you or your child may have with starting at secondary school. It allows us to put some help, support or strategies in place to help your child settle into school.
We want everyone to feel happy, supported and heard in our school and this meeting allows us the chance to ensure problems are not left unaddressed when we could do something to help.
We look forward to meeting you next October!
If you have any questions or concerns about this process or your child’s needs including; physical, emotional or SEND when starting with us, please contact:
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