Applications invited for Parent Governor role

Dear Parents / Carers,

I am writing to inform you of a vacancy for the role of Parent Governor on the School’s Board of Governors.

The role of Governor is an interesting, rewarding and worthwhile one. The Board of Governors provides strategic direction and leadership in addition to ensuring robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the School’s educational and financial performance. They do not manage the School,
rather they agree aims and objectives then monitor performance and progress towards the School’s agreed aims.

Governors must act with integrity, honesty and objectivity. They must also have a passion for the outcomes of the School’s students and for the School’s continuous improvement. Governors must be available to attend meetings (approximately 6 per year), maintain confidentiality, be committed to
training for the role and be available to make visits to School in a formal capacity. Parent Governors also play a vital role in ensuring that the School is connected with the views of parents and the local community.

Further information can be found on the website of the School’s governor services partner, Trust GS;

If you wish to discuss this opportunity in more detail, please email either myself via my PA at [email protected] or the Chair of Governors, Mrs Counsell at [email protected]

To apply for this role, please complete the Parent Governor application form and return it to School by post, by hand to Reception or via email to [email protected] by midday on Tuesday, January 8th 2019.

If we receive more than one application, a secret ballot will be held and further details about this will
be circulated as necessary.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs N Doward,