Welcome to the “Everything Else” Department – Life skills, Careers and the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme
“Everything Else” is the name that has been given to the school’s bespoke life skills programme. The rationale behind this programme was for us to teach all those topics that everybody thought school should teach about life after school. The curriculum has been composed by speaking to other teachers, parents and students. Topics covered include First Aid, Politics, Healthy Eating, Globalism, Careers and Identity. We also engage in analysing current affairs. There are many news stories that worry or intrigue our students. We use our “Everything Else” time to discuss those subjects within the safe confines of a classroom so that students can understand and engage with the modern world.
We have also led many whole school projects and learning experiences for our students. For example, our discussions about the refugee crisis within “EE” lessons led to us participating in the “Salford to Calais” initiative (providing practical support for refugees in the “Jungle” at Calais). This then led to us sending students and teachers to work for a week in the Dunkirk Refugee School in Northern France. In “EE” we like to not only discuss the modern world but to actively engage in helping others. These concepts reflect what Stretford High School is ultimately about.
Students in Year 7 investigate the topics of Identity and Healthy Eating. Students in Year 8 investigate the topics of Relationships and Politics. Students in Year 9 investigate Financial Education throughout the year. They also have the option to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme in order to gain their Bronze Award. In order to complete this course students have to learn a skill, take part in a physical activity, volunteer in the local community and, finally, complete a 2 day expedition under canvas.
Students in Year 10 will investigate Citizenship topics, such as “Life in Modern Britain” and “Rights and Responsibilities”. They will also write their Personal Statements for College.
Students in Year 11 will apply for College places and they sill also follow a Sex Education unit. They will finally finish their EE career by investigating “How to revise” before the GCSE exams.
We also run Careers lessons throughout Year 7, 8 and 9 using the Unifrog online careers portal, thereby enabling our students to make focused and informed choices when they pick their options in year 9.
Students in Year 9 have the option to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme in order to gain their Bronze Award. In order to complete this course students have to learn a skill, take part in a physical activity, volunteer in the local community and, finally, complete a 2 day expedition under canvas.
EE – CPR lesson
Meet the “Everything Else” Department
The department team consists of seventeen members of staff. These are:
Name | Title |
Ms P Latham | Deputy Head of Department / Teacher of EE, Careers and Dance. |
Ms A. Penn | Teacher of Drama and EE |
Mrs D Taylor | Teaching Assistant |
Mr M Richardson | Head of Year 9, Teacher of PE, Teacher of EE, Teacher of Maths |
Mr M Hart | Teacher of DT and EE |
Mr J. Adekoya | Teacher of PE and EE |
Mr J Dickson | Teacher of English and EE |
Mr C Hirst | Head of Everything Else Department. Teacher of EE, English and Careers. |
Mr A Miller | Teacher of EE, History and Careers. |
Miss B Ramsden | Head of Yr8, Teacher of Maths and EE |
Dr Z Mahmood | Teacher of English and EE |
Ms S Elmahdi | Teacher of English and EE |
Team EE (L to R): Mrs P Latham, Mr A Miller, Mr C Hirst, Mrs D Taylor
The “Everything Else” Department aims:
Team EE delivers the Duke of Edinburgh scheme in Year 9.
The EE department takes an active look at campaigning and social issues. This picture was taken on Stephen Lawrence Day and tweeted out by students in memory of Stephen Lawrence.
Mr Miller and Miss Taylor teach students First Aid.
EE is about Life Skills. The best support by far is just talking with your children about your lives and the experiences that you have had with regards to relationships, finances, politics, current affairs and careers. You can encourage your children to look at the following websites in order to gain insights into the world:
Everything Else – Recommended Reading:-