Welcome to the humanities department; at Stretford High, we deliver a combined Humanities programme consisting of Geography, History and Religious studies. Our aim is to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world in which we live.
Students have two forty-five minute lessons each week as part of their Humanities curriculum. Links between the three subjects are identified and embraced in the amalgamated humanities programme of study. All programmes meet the requirements of the national curriculum.
Year 7
Year 7 Curriculum Overview | Topic | Unit content |
Term 1 | The Medieval World | Life in Anglo Saxon England, Contenders to the throne in 1066, The Battle of Hastings? How did William establish control of England? Life, Crime and Punishment in Medieval England, Castles, The Black Death, The Peasants Revolt. Case Study on Baghdad and China. |
Term 2 | Religion and Sate | The Crusades – The War of the Cross and the impact of Islamic civilisations |
Term 3 | The Mughal Empire | The rise and fall of the Mughal Empire. the impact of the East India Company |
The Tudors | The impact of Black Tudors |
Year 8
Year 8 Curriculum Overview | Topic | Unit content |
Term 1 | The British Empire | North America, Life in the Colonies, Invasion of Africa, The Anglo-Zulu War, The Boer War, African Independence. |
Crime, Punishment and Protest | Context of the Industrial Revolution, Peterloo Massacre, Metropolitan Police, Prisons, Jack the Ripper | |
Term 2 | Women’s Rights | Suffragettes and Suffragists, Emily Davison, Princess Sophia, Hunger Strikes, Women and War |
Term 3 | World War One | Causes of WWI, Recruitment and Propaganda, Commonwealth Soldiers, Trench Warfare, Weapons, Battle of the Somme, Manchester and WWI, End of War |
Year 9
Year 9 Curriculum Overview | Topic | Unit content |
Term 1 | Civil Rights Movement in America | Jim Crow Laws, School Segregation, ‘Bussing out’, Lynching, Emmett Till, Stephen lawrence, Kelso Cochrane, Rosa Parks, Claudette Colvin The Bristol Bus Boycotts, , Greensboro Sit Ins, Black Panthers, Black Power in Britain, Malik El Shabaz, Martin Luther King, The National Front |
Nazi Germany | Hitler’s early life, Munich Putsch, Hitler’s Rise to Power, Propaganda, Education / Youth, Women, Terror, Opposition | |
Term 2 | Holocaust | Treatment of Jews, Kristallnacht, Ghettoes, Life in Camps, Why Remember the Holocaust? |
Term 3 | WW2 | Causes of WW2, Dunkirk, Battles of WW2, The Blitz, Spying and Espionage, The Atomic Bomb. |