Sociology Key Stage 4

Year 10 Curriculum OverviewTopicUnit content
Term 1/2Introduction to key conceptsIdentiy/culture/norms/values/roles/achieved status/ascribed status/cultural diveristy/agencies of socialisation/feral children/nature vs nurture/gender identity/Anne Oakley/class, ethnic and social identity/social control/sanctions
FamilyDifferent family forms/ethnic minority family forms/global family forms/one child policy in China/ family diversity/divorce rates/serial monogamy/cohabitation/single parent families/later marriages/conjugal roles/symmetrical families/division of labour/the New Man/decision making/money management/dual caeer families/Principe of Stratified Diffusion/Marxist, Feminist. Functionalist and New Right views on the family
Term 2/3EducationFunctionaist, Marxist and Feminist theory of education/processes affecting achievement/ labelling/subcultures/streaming and setting/self-fulfilling prophecies/patterns of attainment/social class/ethnicity/gender/feminisation of schools/crisis of masculinity/cachment areas
Research methods 1Primary and secondary data/qualitative and quantiative data/usefulness iof data/mixed methods approach/sampling method/access to subjects/gatekeepers/time and cost of research/ethical issues
Year 11 Curriculum OverviewTopicUnit content
Term 1/2CriminologyCrime/deviance/crime as a social contruct/agencies of formal and informal social control/sanctions/patterns of criminal behaviour/subcultural theory/Marxist, Feminist and Functionalist theory of crime/ethnicity and crime/patterns and trends of criminal behaviour/official statistics/victim and self-report studies/usefulness of sources of data on crime
Social stratificationFunctionalist, Marxist, Feminist and Weberian theory on stratification/formal and informal sources of power/Weberian theory of authority/evidence and examples of inequality/factors that affect class, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexuality/glass ceiling/affluent work/private schooling/medical and social models of disability/homophobia/religion and belief/absolute and relative poverty/material deprivation/culture of poverty
Term 2/3Research methods 2Choosing a research area/aim and hypothesis/method/pilot studies/sampling methods/results analysis/mixed methods approach/how to interpret data
RevisionRevision and walking talking mocks for paper 1 and for paper 2

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