
Welcome to the Art Department
All the staff in the Visual Arts Department work together to encourage and support all pupils. Art and Design perfectly complements the other subjects your child experiences on a daily basis, allowing time to reflect and use their creativity.

Essentially whether you are in year 7 or year 11, Art and Design, and Photography is learning in a vocational context. It helps to build a child’s confidence, competence and motivation.

Meet the Art Department
The department team consists of four members of staff. These are:

Miss L ShelmerdineHead of PEXA
Mrs B JemahlTeacher of Art
Mrs R KiddDeputy Headteacher
Ms N EllisTechnician
Ms S BostonTechnician

Art Overview
Students are given the opportunity to experience a wide range of art materials and techniques enabling them to explore and develop their skills in art. They are introduced to the work of many artists and designers and have the opportunity to visit art galleries, museums etc. Students are encouraged to analyse their own and others’ work and that of other artists.

Students have the opportunity to work in their chosen specialism i.e. Art and Design, or Photography. In addition to developing and improving their art skills students learn how to use a wide range of specialist techniques. They complete at least two components of work which are worth 60% of their final mark. The remaining 40% of their grade is from the externally set assignment, which students begin work on in January of Year 11. The externally set assignment is set by the exam board (AQA) who provide students with a series of ‘starting points’ which students then develop into their final piece of work which they produce under exam conditions. In all units of work and the externally set assignment students research and analyse the work of a variety of artists, designers and cultures both historical and contemporary. Students are encouraged to analyse their own work and develop links between their work and that of other artists and designers. Students experiment with many techniques and materials, producing sample pieces and carefully planning and producing a final piece of work. Students also have the opportunity to visit art galleries, museums and exhibitions.

Art – recommended reading:-