Drama Key Stage 3

In Drama during Key-Stage 3 (years 7-9) students will learn technical performance skills, explore a range of creative processes while also developing their reflective practice.

Through both the medium of devised and scripted drama, students are given the opportunity to examine characters, understand plot and experiment with a variety of dramatic strategies. They will develop their confidence, collaborative skills and directing talents while working individually, in pairs or larger groups.

Throughout the creative process, students will evaluate and reflect on their own work and the work of their peers as well as examining professional performances. This will allow students to progress as creators and performers ready to continue into GCSE Drama.

Year 7

Year 7 Curriculum Overview Themes Unit content
Term 1 Basic skills Students will explore the use of basic performance skills including: still image, thought -tracking and vocal skills
Term 1-2 Improvisation Students will develop their confidence and explore the use of imporivsation as a form of devising using group skills, physicalisation & role play.
Term 2 Devising Students will explore a variety of devising strategies including: narrative structures, physicality, mime and role-play
Term 3 Characterisation Students will explore characterisation using mime, script work and monologues.

Year 8

Year 8 Curriculum Overview Themes Unit content
Term 1 Audience Interaction – The Haunting Students will explore how to create atmopshere and moments of tension through the use of physical theatre.
Audience Interaction – Panto Students will explore the convention of pantomime using choral speech and movement
Term 2 Cultural Context – Theatre Practitioners Students will explore the cultural and historical context of theatre using the work of Boal. They will use script work, devising, directing and characterisation.
Cultural Context – Theatre Practitioners Students will explore the cultural and historical context of theatre using the work of Brecht and Boal. They will use script work, devising, directing and characterisation.
Term 3 Storytelling – Refugee Boy Students will explore this script by Benjamin Zephaniah and Lemm Sissay using hot-seating, writing in role and improvisation.

Year 9

Year 9 Curriculum Overview
Half Term 1-3 Devising – Stratgies & Physical Theatre Students will explore a wide range of devising methods, using stimuli to create original performances as part of a group. They will develop an understanding of portfolio work and anaylsis.
Half Term 4-6 Scripted – Noughts & Crosses Students will explore the play script of Marjorie Blackman’s novel Noughts & Crosses. They will develop their understanding of scripted performances, practice written exam questions and extended analysis of the play.