GCSE Drama is now split into 3 components that will be completed of the two year course, allowing students to access a wide variety of different dramatic forms and to develop a broad range of skills.
Component 1, (Devising) is an exciting and challenging opportunity for students to work collaboratively with others to explore a range of stimuli in order to create an original performance piece.
Component 2, (Performance from Text) deals with developing knowledge, understanding and skills in exploring and performing from a performance text.
Component 3, (Theatre Makers in Practice) students will study the work of playwrights and will look and the theatrical choices that are made for a live performance in order to communicate ideas to an audience.
Year 10
Year 10 Curriculum Overview | Themes | Unit content |
Term 1 | ‘The Right Word’ – Poetry as a stimulus | Pupils will explore a poem as stimulus. They will work collaboratively and creatively to devise Drama based on the stimulus studied. They will then complete an analyitical and evaluative portfolio based on their achivements. This unit is a mock of the devising component which they will undertake later in the year. |
Term 2 | ‘DNA’ – Play text as a stimulus | Theatre Makers in Practice requires pupils to study a play in its entirety. Pupils will then work with this play practically and answer theory based questions to expand their knowledge of live theatre and theatrical elements. |
Term 3 | ‘Imposible’ – Variety of stimuli | Pupils will once explore a poem as stimulus. This poem is spoken word and looks at overcoming the impossible. They will work collaboratively and creatively to devise Drama based on the stimulus studied. They will then complete an analyitical and evaluative portfolio based on their achivements. |
Year 11
Year 11 Curriculum Overview | Themes | Unit content |
Term 1 | -Devising Exam & Portfolio | -Devising a piece of theatre from a stimulus. They will research, explore the stimulus using strategies and techniques, they will create a structure, they will have an intention/message for their audience, reherase, refine and perform their piece. -Students will also create a written portfolio throughout the process and evaluate their performance and it’s intention. |
Term 2 | -Scripted Exam -Revision of Theatre Makers in Practice – DNA & Live Performance |
-Students will choose an extract, rehearse, learn lines, refine work and perform to an external examiner and audience -Written Exam Revision |
Term 3 | -Theatre Makers in Practice | -Written Exam revision, practice questions, past papers, live tehatre notes & GCSE exam |