Debate Mate First Round Update
Last week a team of six fantastic students attended the first round of the Debate Mate league. We had four main debaters and two students who were timekeepers and helped immensely to prepare the team. After being “stuck in traffic” (really, we just couldn’t get out of the car park!) we arrived and prepared ourselves for the first debate.
The first debate was about whether technology would lead to the demise of society. We were up against what seemed like a confident home team but after putting up a good debate they were outshone by our organised team whose teamwork and prowess were unmistakable and their rebuttals showed their skill and confidence throughout the whole debate.
After a short break and some well-deserved KitKats we were up against our biggest rivals. The debate this time; modern materials should be studied rather than classic materials in arts subjects at school. With time running short the team had only a few minutes to prepare but after an interesting debate where the other team suggested that it would cost too much money to bring Stormzy into schools (cue Arthur “and how are you going to bring Picasso back from the dead?”) it was clear that Stretford High’s arguments were well thought out, full of real examples and delivered beautifully and we won our second debate of the afternoon!
After absolutely smashing it in the first round of the league the team are ready to compete next month in the second round and put in as much effort as they did in the first!