GCSE Certification Update
Dear Year 11 & Year 10 Pupils, Parents and Carers,
The Department for Education has released guidance today on how pupils will be awarded their GCSE certification. The Document linked here explains it in detail but I would like to direct you to some of the key messages:
- > At the moment, only Year 11 will be awarded grades. They are still consulting on Year 10 but at this point they are only asking for Year 11 data to be submitted.
- > Teachers will use all of the data and information we have gathered on you to help us to decide what grade we think you would have got. This is not new to us. We do these predictions every year in school and I can assure you that the predictions our teachers make are always VERY close to the actual grades pupils are awarded.
- > Teachers CANNOT tell you or your parents what grade we award you.
- > The grade we give you is not the final grade – the exam board will standardise the grades across the whole country. Remember though, our school has been performing above the national average for some years now, and they will take that into account.
- > The work you are doing now can be used to support your grade BUT we must not disadvantage any pupil who cannot complete work. So doing work now can help your grade but not doing work will not move your grade down. We can still use the information we already have on your progress to date.
- > Colleges and apprenticeships will accept these grades
- > You can appeal the grade you are awarded
- > You will be given the chance to resit your exams, should you wish to do so, next academic year.
There is lots more information in the linked document above. Please take time to read it through.
I hope you are all staying safe.
Take care
Mrs Doward