Headteacher’s End-of-Term Letter

Dear Parents/ Carers

As term 1 of the academic year 2021/22 draws to an end, I would like to thank you, the parents, carers and extended families of our school family for the love, support and CARE you contribute to our community every day.

I know that many of our children, their families and our staff have been poorly (COVID or otherwise) for periods of time during this term and that is not pleasant for anyone. However, we have been able to have a much more ‘normal’ term and it has been a pleasure to see your children thriving and being a credit to you and our school.

I will try to keep this letter short as I know we have bombarded you with information.

Things you need to know for January:

  • There will be a staggered start to the term. We have been asked to conduct 1 in school LFD test for all pupils whose parents have consented to their child testing in school.
  • You will get a text message from school which will tell you the exact date and time your child must come to school.
  • To help you to plan your time, you will find the general overview below:
  Monday 10th Jan Tuesday 11th Jan Wednesday 12th Jan Thursday 13th Jan
Year 7 Test In school In school In school
Year 8   Test In school In school
Year 9     Test In school
Year 10   Test In school In school
Year 11 Test In school In school In school


  • If you have not consented for your child to test in school, your child will return on the ‘In school’ date along with their peers.
  • I have included some frequently asked questions on the following page as I know some of you may have some queries.

Things you need to know over the holidays:

  • Your child should continue to test twice a week using their LFD tests.
  • Your child will be given a box of 7 tests to take home on the 21st
  • LFD tests – if you need more tests, you can get a box of 7 lateral flow tests free of charge from NHS Test and Trace either through pharmacies, home delivery by ordering online or contacting 119.

Things you need to know about the end of term:

  • School will finish at 12pm on Tuesday 21st

I hope that each and every one of you have a safe and happy holiday season and that 2022 brings you lots of love, laughter and joy.

Yours sincerely,

Nic Doward


Frequently Asked Questions: on site testing

Does my child come in only for an appointment and go home after?


Can they wear their own clothes?


Which entrance should they use?

Please use the Sports Hall entrance on Talbot Road

How long will the test take?

The test will take between 5-10 minutes from start to finish however it will be dependent on queue times. If your child is travelling by public transport they will need to wait for their result which will be an additional 15 minutes.

Can they come with friends/siblings or change their appointment?

No – we have to manage pupil numbers to ensure everyone’s safety. Therefore, sticking to the set appointment time is very important.

If I have not provided consent, does my child have to come in on the day at all?

No, they will return the following day with the rest of their year group