Headteacher’s Letter 19th December 2017

Dear Friends,

As we come to the end of the last term of 2017, I would like to thank every member of our community – pupils, staff & parents/carers – for your ongoing support and dedication. We continue with our mission to help our children to ASPIRE – Achieve Academically, enjoy Success, be Professional in attitude, grow in Integrity & Respect and recognise that hard work and Endeavour are keys to achieving our goals. I am delighted to say that it has been a term of considerable successes.

I am particularly proud of our pupils’ ongoing commitment to helping those less fortunate than ourselves. We have raised the staggering sum of £2485.66 for charity as well as very generous food contributions for food banks & the homeless. Our chosen charities this term are British Red Cross, Save the Children, Mission Christmas, Anti- Bullying UK, McMillan Care and Cancer Research. Thank you to the pupils, staff and you at home – together we are making a difference.

It is with great pride that I also reflect on the academic successes of the term not to mention the opportunities for our pupils to really enjoy Success in their learning. For example, we have had considerable success in our sporting endeavours – our basketball teams in particular are a wonderful example of team work making the dream work! Our staff have been recognised for encouraging and inspiring young people in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) subjects through the use of STEM Ambassadors. We have a very strong debating team taking part in the Debate Mate programme and look forward to hosting two events in 2018 to take the verbal battle onto home ground! Gary Neville visited the school to speak about UA92 and was grilled by 60 Year 8 pupils. Oliwia Felinska has written a comprehensive report on the visit which you can find on our website if you are interested.  I am very grateful to the staff who organise these events – such experiences help to broaden our young people’s horizons and help them to ASPIRE to greatness.

Above all else, I am tremendously proud of the spirit of Endeavour demonstrated by staff and students alike. Celebration Evening on 21st September was a wonderful opportunity to recognise this – and to celebrate with friends and family.  However, it is the daily endeavour which impresses me most.  The number of achievement points teachers have awarded continues to soar this year as pupils are stepping up to their learning with vigour. Indeed, one of the most difficult decisions I have this term will be narrowing down the selection of the Term’s Headteacher award to just one student from each year group. All will be revealed in our end of year celebration on Friday and posted on our school website!


  • As the winter is now upon us, can I please remind all pupils & parents that outdoor coats are encouraged as long as they are not worn inside the school building. Hoodies are banned and should not be worn at any time.
  • Similarly, sensible waterproof shoes are recommended for the winter months – as per usual, trainers or shoes with markings are not allowed.

Year 11

  • Mock exams continue: Monday 8th January – Wednesday 17th The timetable is on the school website for your information – we urge pupils to revise over the holiday period and to use this time to prepare for these very important exams.
  • Please also note that exams will begin on 1st May and will continue to 18th June. Pupils will be expected to attend school up until they have sat their last exam. Year 11 pupils have received their Examination guidance pack in the first half term with lots of useful information. Included in there are dates of the formal exams – please check these dates before you book family holidays.

Year 10

  • Pupils in Year 10 will sit their GCSE English Language exam on 5th & 8th June 2018.

Should any parent have a query or concern, you are more than welcome to attend the next Headteacher’s surgery which will take place on Wednesday 17th January  3-5pm. Should you want to an appointment, please contact my PA Helen Adshead on 0161 876 1850 to book a time.

School will close on Friday 22nd December 2017 at 12pm and we look forward to welcoming pupils back on Monday 8th January 2018 at 8.30am – let’s start the new year as we mean to carry on with 100% attendance and 100% punctuality!

Finally, may I take this opportunity to send you our best wishes over this festive period and health, happiness, peace and joy for 2018!

Yours sincerely,

Nicola Doward, Headteacher