Headteacher’s Letter – Covid Updates/Bubbles (10th September)

Dear Parent/Carers                                                                                           11th September 2020

Our first full week with all pupils back in the building is going well and your children have been a credit to you – as per usual!

It has been a busy time in Trafford…GM…the country in COVID 19 terms and I am sure that you are aware that a number of schools have had to close bubbles due to confirmed cases. Thankfully, we have not had to do this but I wanted to inform you of the process we would use should it happen.

As you know, we ask that a child stays home, or we will ask you to collect your child from school, if they are unwell and have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • a loss or change to sense of smell or taste

The COVID-19 (coronavirus): A Quick Guide for Parents leaflet is very useful in helping you to work out next steps for you and your family. Definitely one to print off for the fridge!

If your child has diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting symptoms, they could have a contagious gastric bug so we ask that you keep them at home or we will send them home if they develop symptoms in school. These are not primary symptoms of the COVID 19 virus so we would not advise you that your child needs to be tested or that they should isolate for 10 days if they only have this symptom. However, as they are secondary symptoms of the virus, we will ask you to monitor them to see if they develop one or more of the primary symptoms above and to inform us should they do so.

If your child tests positive, please inform us immediately as the quicker we know, the quicker we can act to safeguard others. Your child will need to isolate for 10 days and your immediate family will isolate for 14 days.  We will set work for your child/ren to complete at home if they are well enough.

In the event of a confirmed positive case, we will work with Public Health Trafford to work out which bubbles have ‘burst’ and who will be asked to isolate for 14 days because they are a ‘close contact’. We will notify parents if their child is a ‘contact’ within a burst bubble via the MyEd App or text message. The MyEd app is best for communications so please ensure that you download the App and check it regularly. We will need to send your child home as soon as possible – please complete the reply slip at the end of this letter to indicate how you would like us to do this. Your child will learn from home during this period. Your child DOES NOT need to have a test unless they develop symptoms themselves.

We will also send a MyEd message/text message to all other parents to inform you that there has been a confirmed case in the school and that some staff and children will be isolating. You do not need to take any action in this circumstance – we just want to keep you in the picture of what is happening.

I know that this is a lot of information to take in and I apologise. Remember, the school website has a COVID 19 section which is updated regularly and also has our C19 School Risk Assessment. I am available at [email protected]

Stay safe

Yours faithfully

Mrs Nicola Doward
