Helping to Tackle Food Poverty – Cheap Easy Cooking Campaign

Dear Stretford High Community,

Peace and Blessings of God be upon you!

I hope this message finds you in the best of your health.

I am writing to you on behalf of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Manchester West Chapter of North West region and would like invoking your help and support.

These are difficult times, and amongst the many problems affecting people, food poverty is sharply on the rise. According to the UN millions of people in the UK struggle to get enough food to eat.

In an effort to try and play our part to help address this dire problem, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is launching a campaign called ‘Cheap & Easy Cooking’. As part of this campaign we have produced the attached booklet to help you cook five Indian curries cheaply, easily and healthily, with meals starting at only 9p per serving.

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness among people to save money by cooking budget friendly dishes at home rather than eating costly meals from outside.

The campaign consists of distributing a recipe booklet containing easy to follow instructions to make these delicious Indian curries along with online videos that show how these can be cooked. These videos can be watched at:

We are also distributing some Curry Starter Packs to the local Food Bank, which will also include the basic ingredients so that people can easily and quickly get started.

I would be grateful if you can spread this message to parents/students/staff so that the maximum number of people can benefit through this campaign in order to reduce their financial burden.  Thank you.

Kindest regards and best wishes .


Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ijaz Ahmad (FRCPCH)

Consultant Paediatrician

Secretary Outreach Relations