Letter from Headteacher 31st Dec 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

On this last day of 2020, it gives me no pleasure at all to have to write to you with news of an amended staggered start to the new term. I am sure that you will have heard the announcements yesterday regarding a large portion of the country moving to tier 4 and the impact on school opening.
The changes are as follows:
Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th January:
Staff inset and preparation for staff and pupil testing.
No pupils in school, no online learning.
Wednesday 6th January – Friday 8th January:
Year 11 lessons delivered remotely via google classroom.
Year 7-10 extended Christmas break.
Pupils who are children of essential workers/vulnerable in Years 7-11 will be offered a place to access learning in school.
Monday 11th January – Friday 15th January:
Year 11 return to school as normal.
Years 7-10 access learning remotely via google classroom.
Pupils who are children of essential workers/vulnerable in Years 7-11 will be offered a place to access learning in school.
Monday 18th January
All pupils return to school as normal – dependant on safe infection rates and in school testing.
Next week we will be setting up our in school testing base and completing staff training. We will be sending you further information regarding the testing procedures and how you can give consent for your child to be tested.
For now, I wish you all a very happy new year and I sincerely hope that 2021 is good to each and every one of you!
Yours sincerely,