16th July 2019
Dear Friends,
Once again, I would like to thank you all for your support and generosity this academic year. We have had a wonderful year and achieved so much as a school community. As you know, here at Stretford High, we are driving our mission for all pupils to ASPIRE – Achieve Academically, enjoy Success, be Professional in attitude, grow in Integrity & Respect and recognise that hard work and Endeavour are keys to achieving our goals. We want everyone in our community to live their best lives in a world that we are making better.
Year 11 2019
We said a fond farewell to Year 11 Class of 2019. I thank pupils, parents & staff who worked hard to secure best grades for GCSE and we are looking forward to the fruits of that labour on results day, Thursday 22nd August. Year 11 are invited to collect their results from school from 9.30 till 11.00am on the day or between 10am -3pm each day the following week.
Year 10 English Language Results
Year 10 are welcome to collect their English Language GCSE results from 11am till 12.30PM on Thursday 22nd August.
Year 7 2019 -2024
I am delighted to share that once again our Year 7 has been oversubscribed and we have 191 pupils joining us in September. All of the pupils impressed us on transition day and we are looking forward to seeing you all on September 4th. The day for Year 7 begins at 8.30am.
Arrangements for Wednesday 4th September
The new academic year will begin for pupils on Wednesday 4th September at the following times
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on time, in full school uniform and with the right equipment – School Rule Number 1: Ready to Learn.
I would like to draw parents/carers attention to a key date to put in your diary if your child is in Years 10 or 11: Thursday 5th September, 6.00 PM. There will be an information evening for parents/carers which focuses on how you can support your child in preparation for their GCSE exams for the core subjects of English, Maths & Science. We will also be launching our new and exciting study skills programme which will be provided by Elevate Education. One of their presenters will be joining us to tell you all about the programme and how it will benefit your child and help them to achieve their full potential! We look forward to seeing you there!
School Rule: Ready. As you are aware, our aspiration is for every child to have 100% attendance unless a medical condition prevents them. Our attendance policy is on our school website for your information. We also know how important family times and holidays are. To help you to make the most of these, please find the calendar for 2019/20 below! As we do not sanction absences during school time for holidays, we ask you to use this calendar if booking holidays away with your family.
School Calendar 2019/20
2nd & 3rd September Staff Training Days – No School for Pupils
Wednesday 4th September School Opens To Pupils For Academic Year 2019/20!
Friday 18th October End Of Half Term 1
Monday 28th October School Opens For Half Term 2
Friday 29th November School Closed For 1 Day
Friday 20th December End Of Half Term 2
Monday 6th January School Opens For Half Term 3
Friday 7th February End Of Half Term 3
Monday 17th February School Opens For Half Term 4
Friday 27th March End Of Half Term 4
Tuesday 14th April School Opens For Half Term 5
Friday 22nd May End Of Half Term 5
Monday 1st June School Opens For Half Term 6
Friday 26th & Monday 29th June School Closed For 2 Days for staff training
Tuesday 21st July School Closes For Summer Holidays!
We like listen to our pupils’ views and as a result of some very well presented requests, we have made some changes to our School Uniform policy. The new policy is available to view on our website, alongside an overview of expectations. However, I would like to reiterate some key messages for September:
School Rule Number 2: Respect . It is with great respect & appreciation that we say goodbye to some of the staff who have helped us over the course of the year(s) and are now moving on. On Tuesday 23rd July, we say a fond farewell to:
We are looking forward to a number of staff joining us in September:
I am delighted to report that we are fully staffed for September 2019.
School Rule Number 3: Safe. Being safe in and outside school is always very important. Please remember our school rule for those pupils who choose to travel to school by bike MUST wear a bike helmet. Thank you to all the parents and carers who supported this rule, introduced this academic year.
I would like to finish the year by congratulating the pupil led team who research, write and design our school newspaper, The Chronicle, which has won first prize in the national First News Secondary Newspaper of the Year Award. You will find all editions of The Chronicle on our school website and I thoroughly recommend that you have a read!
Lastly, should any parent have a query or concern about anything, you are always more than welcome to make an appointment to see me in school in September. Please contact my PA Helen Adshead on 0161 876 1850 to do so.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support and I wish you all a wonderful summer break.
Yours sincerely,
Nicola Doward
Head teacher