Manchester More Able Stem Day
On Wednesday 12th June, some of our HAPs from year 8 and 9 attended the Manchester More Able Stem Day at the University of Manchester with myself and Mr O Mohammed. Students were involved in making and designing a vehicle, programming and using a robot, using E-fit which is used by the police force and analysing x-rays,scans and other medicine related activities.
It was an event where 12 other schools across Greater Manchester participated, Kamay and Maisy performed exceptionally well and helped their group to come 2nd (Literally, 1 point away from getting 1st place in the table rankings on the day). Madi took the brave decision to be in a group where none of her peers were! Madi also performed very well within her group as well as others who attended the trip!
All students enjoyed themselves, learned a lot and engaged positively!
Below are some photos taken on the day.