New school adjustments – Omicron covid variant update.

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you know, the Omicron covid variant is spreading at a pace across the country.

Public Health has made us aware that there have been some confirmed cases of Omicron in Greater Manchester.

As a result, we are making some adjustments to our safety measures in school and emphasising others in order to keep everyone as safe as possible. This begins today, 08/12/21.

  1. Pupils will enter and exit school via 3 gates:
    • Year 7 will use the Gorse Hill gate, Talbot Rd side.
    • Year 8 will use the main gate, Great Stone Rd
    • Year 9 will use the Gorse Hill gate, Chester Rd side
    • Year 10 will use the main gate, Great Stone Rd
    • Year 11 will use the Gorse Hill gate, Talbot Rd side.
    • All pupils will begin school at normal time: 8.30am
    • All pupils will leave school at normal time: 2.55pm


  1. All rooms are well ventilated at all times.
  2. Please talk to your child about washing and sanitising hands regularly
  3. If there is a case of Omicron identified, school will work with Public Health to identify close contacts, who will have to isolate for 10 days regardless of age or vaccination status.
  4. If there is a member of your family identified as positive for Omicron, please follow public health advice and isolate for 10 days regardless of age or vaccination status.
  5. Wearing a mask is very important – please speak to your child about the importance of wearing masks properly in communal areas.

I know that these measures are not pleasant but we want you, our children and our community to be safe and to be able to enjoy the upcoming break.


Thank you and stay safe

Mrs N Doward