4th March 2021
Dear Parents /Carers
I am pleased to say that we have had a tremendous response to the COVID testing opportunities in school with the vast majority of parents/carers granting consent. This letter contains details about how the process and return to school in general is going to work.
The Test
Each Year group will have their first test on different days starting from the 8th March.
Your child will be allocated a time slot on their day. You will receive this time slot via text message. Please ensure your child comes to school at the correct time.
It is best for your child not to travel on public transport when coming for the test. If possible, please ask your child to walk, cycle, scoot or travel by car (car shares not recommended). Your child will return home after the test and you will receive a notification of the result to the email address and mobile number you shared on the consent form. We will contact children who have positive test results as the child and the family will need to isolate for 10 days. It is very IMPORTANT that your child goes straight home after the test – they should not gather together and remember safe social distance expectations.
If your child must travel on public transport, please remind them to wear their masks during the journey. Pupils travelling home on public transport will have to wait for 30 minutes after their test to find out if they test positive or negative. Pupils with negative tests will journey home as planned. Parents/carers of pupils who have positive tests will have to collect the child from school. The child and the household will isolate for a period of 10 days thereafter.
How will the test be carried out?
All pupils will enter school using the gate on Talbot Road, nearest our sports centre which is where the tests will be carried out.
Your child will enter the test centre via the sports centre reception doors. They will be greeted by a member of staff who will explain the process before they go in so pupils know what to expect.
Test 1: this test will be carried out for your child by one of our fully trained, medical professionals. The test typically involves taking a swab from one nostril and the back of the throat. It really is less invasive than it sounds, especially when an expert shows you what to do. However, we know that these areas can be sensitive for some people. Therefore, it is possible to carry out the test by swabbing both nostrils or by swabbing the throat only if your child has issues /sensitivities.
Test 2 & 3: These tests will be carried out 3-5 days after your child has had their first test. They will be scheduled to take place during the school day. Test 2 & 3 will be carried out by your child in the test centre, whilst being guided and advised by our medical practitioners. This will ensure that they are well prepared to carry out their own testing at home thereafter. We will be providing your child with enough home testing kits to complete 2 tests a week at home.
The Return:
Pupils in each year group will return to in-school the day after their year group has been tested. Pupils will learn remotely until their test day. There will be no remote learning ON their test day. Monday 8th March is a day to review KS3 learning so that pupils can ‘LOCK IN THEIR LOCK DOWN LEARNING’.
What will school be like?
The school will be running as it was during term 1. Year groups are still in bubbles. The school is still zoned. Pupils in KS3 will remain in their base room for most lessons. There will be movement in KS4 but it is limited to their year group and zone.
Masks – the following applies to everyone unless medically exempt:
All pupils and staff must wear face masks when inside the school building and within 2 metres of another person.
This means:
The reason we are using this policy at present is that whilst infection rates in Trafford have dropped in general, infection rates in the wards around our school remain the highest in the borough. It would be very unwise to allow rates to spread further and we want to ensure our children, staff and families are as safe as possible.
We will be reviewing our mask wearing policy alongside infection rates and may amend in the future.
What can your child do to stay safe in school?
We are so looking forward to your child’s return to school and can’t wait to see them all: smiling faces, pristine uniform and ready for the challenge to be the best they can be.
Stay safe
Kind regards
Mrs N Doward