Rome is where the heart is.

The 9th annual Stretford High School Rome trip took place between 10th to 13th March this year. As usual we had managed to pull together an intrepid bunch of Year 7s who were up for a bit of adventure in Italy. The four staff for this year’s trip were Mr Hirst, Ms Howarth, Mr Cooke and Ms Ugradar and they were busy right from the start (one student who shall remain nameless managed to leave his bag in the airport terminal and came very close to having it removed by security!).

The weather in Rome was the best we have ever had…beautiful sun and warm temperatures for all four days. In fact many ended up being slightly burnt (which we didn’t mind because we had forgotten what the sun looked like after the winter that we have had!). As usual we walked through beautiful Rome, saw the Piazza Navona, the Pantheon and the Trevi Fountain. We raced each other up to the top of the “Spanish Steps” (Mr Cooke won by miles!). We stared in awe at St Peter’s Church and we watched the Pope deliver his Sunday Mass. We ate pizza, pasta and gelato. We clambered through the ruins of the ghost town of Ostia and endured the St Peter’s “step challenge” (551 steps to the top of the Basilica).

Finally, the picture shows the location of our Saturday afternoon history lesson (and the Colosseum is the best classroom that I’ve ever worked in!). All in all it was a fantastically successful trip. Now we need to start planning for our 10th anniversary visit!