SHS News 2/2/24
Dear Parents/Carers/Students
We hope that you enjoy reading this week’s SHS News 2/2/24
PDF for hyperlinks version SHS News 2.2.24
MP4 Video Version HERE
SUMMARY (for translation purposes)
This summary discusses the recent activities and announcements from SHS News. The news includes messages from the Headteacher and updates from various faculty members, information about upcoming events, student success stories, and important dates. There are also special sections dedicated to World Hijab Day, creative writing, outdoor activities, and GCSE preparations.
- A message from Mrs Doward, the Headteacher, sharing her appreciation for the performance by four Stretfordians during the Holocaust Memorial Day event at Sale Waterside. She also encourages everyone to take part in the ‘Friendly February’ wellbeing calendar.
- Miss Hodge shares her experience with the various clubs at the school and praises the work of the creative writing club. A poem by Asma, a Year 7 student, is highlighted.
- A notice about a series of art, drama, music, and photography workshops targeted at Year 9 students considering creative GCSEs. The workshops run from the 5th to the 9th of February.
- A segment dedicated to World Hijab Day (1st February), promoting understanding and respect for the freedom of religious expression.
- Year 10 students are improving their persuasive writing skills, with a focus on compelling sentences.
- A feature on Lexi, a student who has been partaking in the Manchester United Foundation’s community football programme, and her achievements.
- An update from the forest school, where Year 7 students have enjoyed outdoor activities.
- Information about an upcoming MFL GCSEs Q&A session for parents/carers on the 8th of February.
- Details about the upcoming Year 11 mock assessments, scheduled to begin on 26th February and end on 8th March, and the national reference test.
- The newsletter ends with useful links for money-saving tips and events at Stretford Public Hall.