Dear Parents/Carers & Students
We hope that you enjoy reading this week school news.
Have a lovely weekend!
Stretford High School
Dear Parents and Carers
Last night we had our first governors’ meeting of the 2024/25 academic year. Our first meeting of the year always has a focus on the outcomes of the previous year’s GCSE exams – it is one of the best nights of the year for me. It is one of the best nights because we get to celebrate the wonderful outcomes achieved by our children who have been supported and guided by their families and our staff. Without a doubt, those results are not possible without students,
families and school working together towards that common goal. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – we are blessed in our school because our families and our school share the same ethos and we work together.
We are not just celebrating the work of the 2 years of Key Stage 4 either – we know that those outcomes are the result of 5 years of learning at SHS and build upon on the strong foundations set in our feeder primary schools. We are very grateful to have such fabulous schools across Trafford preparing our children to step into high school fully prepared.
We can see this with our current Year 7. They are settling so well. I love seeing children who just 2 weeks ago looked a little bit timid and now they are striding down the corridors, heads held high and confidently greeting me with joy and enthusiasm.
All in all, it is certainly gratifying to celebrate our outcomes but the joy comes from knowing that the Class of 2024 have been able to step into their next phase with the tools they need and knowing that Stretfordians from Years 7-11 are on that same pathway to finding their own success. It is a privilege to be part of that. Thank you.
We have 2 candidates who have stepped up to join the governing body as parent governors (details HERE). Please take a moment to read about the candidates and cast your vote for the person you believe is best suited to the role. The person you vote for will be sitting in the governors’ meeting next year for our examination results review! Deadline 30th September at 9am.
Take care
Mrs Nicola Doward, Headteacher