SHS News 29/9/23

Dear Parents/Carers

We hope that you enjoy reading this week’s SHS News HERE

Also available to download as a PDF:SHS News – 29 September 2023 PDF

You can also view a summary of the news below (which can be translated into other languages).

We hope that you have an enjoyable weekend!

Stretford High School



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on the top left hand side of the website)

To view any other PDF in other languages, please scan HERE

Stretford High School celebrated European Languages Day on 26th September with a treasure hunt. The school, which is home to 59 first languages, also reminded parents and carers about the website’s built-in translator. The school plans to start summarizing their newsletters, which can also be translated via the website. Parents are encouraged to use Google Translate for translating the school’s policies.

  • Careers Day is scheduled for October 5th. Y9, 10, and 11 students will have a chance to interact with industry professionals and representatives from various sectors.
  • A series of free online broadcasts focusing on T-Levels will be hosted by Manchester College during the week of October 2nd.
  • National Teaching Assistants day was celebrated on September 29th with a special thank you message to all teaching assistants.
  • The school is hosting an Open Evening for prospective students and their parents/carers on October 5th.
  • There are various upcoming events for parents at The Parent Hub, including a free event on County Lines and Child Exploitation.
  • The school offers various clubs for students to get involved, make friends, learn new skills, and earn C.A.R.E points.
  • Current job vacancies at the school can be found on the school’s website.