SHS News 9/2/24
Dear Parent/Carer/Student
We hope that you enjoy reading this week’s SHS News:-
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SUMMARY (for translation purposes)
This summary provides an overview of the important updates from Stretford High School (SHS). The Headteacher, Mrs. Doward, emphasises the importance of clubs, school trips, and extracurricular activities in enhancing students’ learning experiences. Additionally, Miss Hodge updates on the upcoming World Book Day, while other segments focus on a geography trip and outdoor activities for Year 7 students. Lastly, the new club timetable is announced.
- Headteacher Mrs. Doward outlines the significance of clubs and school trips in enhancing the students’ educational journey. These activities offer hands-on learning, cultural enrichment, social skills development, personal growth, physical health, educational reinforcement, and memorable experiences.
- Miss Hodge hints at the exciting events planned for the upcoming World Book Day, including character dressing by teachers, competitions, quizzes, and a post-school ‘book cafĂ©’. She also shares a book recommendation from a Year 7 student.
- Year 9 Geography students have recently returned from a successful trip to Castleton in the Peak District, where they studied the local environment despite challenging weather conditions.
- The Year 7 students have concluded their Forest School program, where they engaged in various outdoor activities, including setting up a fire and cooking sausages.
- A ‘Parent’ Hub wellbeing session was recently held, providing parents and carers the opportunity for some relaxing adult time. The next session is scheduled for 25th March 2024.
- The new club timetable will commence on 19th February 2024. Parents and carers are required to sign up using Arbor.