17th March 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
I am writing to share information with you about the Covid home testing kits. Home testing plays a vital part in the Government strategy to quickly identify individuals who have Covid19 but who do not have any symptoms, which will break cycles and the spread of infection. Most of you will have had a kit sent home with your child, which will allow them to test twice a week until the end of term at Easter.
It is very important that this testing continues. This letter gives details about how you can obtain further testing kits to use at home. These testing kits are free. Kits are available to households, social bubbles or support bubbles where at least one member
There are a number of ways to get testing kits to use at home.
I hope that this information is useful for you. Please remember to report the outcomes of all the Covid home tests that your child takes.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Doward