5th July 2021
Dear Parents/ Carers
It has been an extremely trying term – for our children, for our staff and for you, our families. Due to our geographical position amongst the wards with the highest infection rates in Trafford, we have suffered a lot of COVID related interruptions this half term. Thank you for your support and patience during this very difficult time.
Unfortunately, we now have had some staff who have also tested positive, some who are having to isolate due to being close contacts of a positive case and some staff who have been directed to isolate due to positive cases within their own family bubbles. Today, the school has reached a tipping point of no longer being able to offer full provision in school for all pupils. Therefore, we have made the decision to direct Year 9 to learn from home from tomorrow Tuesday 6th July 2021.
Pupils in Year 9 will follow their normal timetable and will access their learning online using google classroom. The majority of lessons will be directly taught lessons, delivered by your child’s normal class teacher. It is very important that your child gets up for school as normal, logs onto their virtual classroom and engages in their learning at the normal times.
Pupils in Years 9 DO NOT need to isolate during this time UNLESS they have been identified as a close contact of a positive case and have been directed to isolate. Where this is so, school will have contacted you to explain this directly. If your child has been directed to isolate, it is very important that they do so. This means they must stay home for the duration of the isolation period and should not mix with anyone outside their immediate family bubble.
Pupils in Year 9 who are in receipt of Free School Meals will receive a food voucher to cover this period.
Pupils in Year 7, 8 & 10 will continue to attend school as normal UNLESS they have been identified as a close contact of a positive case and have been directed to isolate. Where this is so, school will have contacted you to explain this directly.
Year 9 pupils will return to school on Monday 12th July 2021.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience and worry these arrangements will undoubtedly cause you and your family. Please contact Mrs N Doward, Headteacher, should you have any questions, concerns or should you need help or advice on [email protected].
Yours sincerely
Nicola Doward
Stay Safe